Shayan Chowdhury Arnob
Arnob is the nephew of another very prominent singer of Bangla songs- Tapon Chowdhury. But Arnob needs not that introduction to introduce himself, for sure. he has already made his own brand. There have been much talk about Bangla band songs and the addiction of youngsters to it. Very often band songs were labeled with 'Rough and Tough' musicians who had alleged relation with drug. There were efforts to prove drug as a complementary(!) element of music.
After that there is been a silent revolution in Bangla band songs. Tahsan, Arnob, Habib- all the singers of new generation have made a new brand of Bangla band songs. And now, Arnob, a singer from Shantinicatan- is one of the most popular band singer in Bangladesh. Youngsters are often blamed for not listening Tagore songs which simply seems depressing to most of them. But now they also hear songs of low beats, less instruments (Monpura songs) and melodious ones more than ever. Arnob- the music director of ‘Monpura’ has really proved that our young listeners have really changed dramatically and also, in the positive direction.