Farhana Mili & Chanchal Chowdhury- in Monpura
And there is immense interest among people about the movie. In different forums people are asking for the movie even long before the release. In 'Amarnatok.Com', we have found that, a number of people are asking for the movie and the Admin of that site has told them that he is yet to get the pirated copy of the movie. As soon as he get that he will upload it for a free download! (How pretty).In the first week Monpura was released in Dhaka and Rajshahi. It was only released in a few accredited theaters and the authority was very careful. But very soon the movie will be released in Chittagong, Mymensing, Bogra, Rongpur and Sirajgong. So it is evident that in order to reach to people the movie will also be distributed in theaters with less accreditation. And that is something the pirates are looking for. But as the authority is very careful about these issues so they might not be able to pirate the movie instantly. Perhaps it will be the third week when they will succeed. Because, by the third week, the number of 'print' will increase and authority will have less attention for every 'print'. These prints will also reach at the far ends of the country. So most probably, it is the third week when the movie will get pirated. And to reach the market it may take a few days more. Perhaps, the pirated copies will grab the market from fourth week.
Well, if Monpura can get even that three consecutive weeks, still it will be considered very lucky. There are movies which were pirated immediately after release.
But, what about our government and administration? Will they allow to keep running all these without any measure?