Chanchal Chaowdhury & Farhana Mili in Monpura
There is audience for Bangla traditional movie and this stream has its own 'Film Stars'. The regular audience goes to theaters at the end of week to see the films of their stars. But in case of Monpura, it has no 'Regular Audience'. Neither it has the Star cast that can drive the audience to theaters. Yes, Gias Uddin Selim, Chanchal Chowdhury, Fazlur Rahman Babu or Mamunur Rashid has got their audience in small screen. But the audience of small screen are not likely to come in numbers in theaters at present. So instead of driving the audience into theater it has to create the audience first.
If Monpura can secure a success, it might become a turning point for Bangla movie. Besides promoting Bangla commercial movie it will create a class of audience for good Bangla movie. In turn, it may bring those days of 60's and 70's back in Bangla film industry.
Will it bring revolution or simply be released and forgotten thereafter- we will get the answer in few hours.